Q1 2025 Gym Membership Reimbursement Form

In order to process your application, we ask you to provide the following information. Please note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Employee Information

(please enter your legal name, no nicknames)*
Month Hired *


Reminder: one person per household eligible per month (except households with two employees).

Gym Information



If combining visits from multiple gyms, please provide your total attendance and cost for each month.

January Attendance *
January Monthly Charge *
February Attendance *
February Monthly Charge *
March Attendance *
March Monthly Charge *

Reimbursement rates:
0-3 visits per month - no reimbursement
4-7 visits per month - 50% of monthly membership cost, up to $25/month
8+ visits per month - 100% of monthly membership cost, up to $50/month

Total Reimbursement Request

Based on the information provided above, this is the amount of reimbursement you are eligible for. If you have questions or concerns please contact ThriveOn at [email protected] or 614-525-3948.”

Proof of Attendance and Proof of Payment

Proof of attendance and proof of payment is required for reimbursement.
Documents must include your name, your gym name, the dates visited each month, and the amount paid each month.
If you are combining visits from two gyms you must fill out the gym information section and provide documentation from both memberships.

Please upload documents only in 'csv, 'doc', 'docx','gif, 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'pdf', & 'png' format.


(Please select one file at a time)

Please upload valid file
Upload document

Required Signature


By checking this box I affirm that all of the information provided is full, complete and true to the best of my knowledge. False statements are considered fraud against the plan. I acknowledge that checking this box serves as my signature.